Photos (and many thanks to you all.)
Introduction to Oil Spills + Module 1: Incident Management System
Botaş International Ltd., Ceyhan Marine Terminal, Turkey

On-Scene Commander Course
Coast Guard College, Sydney, Nova Scotia

Command and Control International Course
Coast Guard, Training Center Yorktown, Virginia

LTJG Everest Haxhiu (Albania Naval Forces), LTJG Todor
Dimitrov Bogdanov and LTJG Dimitar Savov Zhelev (Bulgaria Navy), ASP
Patrickson Albert (Dominica Police Force), 2LT Aivo Ammann (Estonia
Border Guard), LT CDR Abdul Biu Adamu (Nigeria Navy), CAPT Taciano
Alfredo Correia (Portugal Coast Guard), COL Bhasie Blamnek (South
Africa Army), LT Mohamed Manita (Tunisia Navy) and LT Andriy Sydorenko
(Ukraine Navy).
Command and Control International Course
Coast Guard, Training Center Yorktown

Colombian Navy (CDR Jairo Infante Marquez), Croatian
Navy (CAPT Ivica Kodzoman), Dominican Republic Navy (LTJG Jose Agustin
Jose Vasquez), Estonian Border Guard (2LT Eglit Uke), Gabon Navy
(LT Honore Enzema-Nguema), Guinea-Bissau Navy (CDR Jose Zamora Induta),
Kenyan Navy (CAPT Thomas M Onchiri), Armed Forces of Malta (MAJ
Brian Gatt), Civil Protection Department of Malta (CDR John Gera),
Nigerian Navy (I. Ebije-Odeh, Samuel A. Shiyanbade), Polish Navy
(LTJG Artur Dzieciuch), Romanian Navy (LCDR Mostatea Marinica),
Tanzania Navy (LCDR Joachim E. Karia), Royal Thai Navy (CDR Pisit
Rangsipanuratn), and Tunisian Navy (LT Mehdi be Mokdad Sahraoui).
Management / Qualified Individual Course
Maritime Academy

Thanks to: Stephen
Boudreaux, Kevin Cornacchio, Kevin Crouse, Bani Ghosh, Neil Graham,
Paul Helland, Denis Keenan, Stephanie Lyons, Frank MacKinnon, Kevin
Minkoff, Paul Nevins, Charles Peterson, Art Powers, James Sanislow,
Erin Weber, Anthony Wheelock.
Command and Control International Course
Coast Guard, Training Center Yorktown

Countries Represented:
Albania, Argentina, Benin, Bulgaria, Cape Verde, El Salvador, Estonia,
Finland, Guinea, Ireland, Jordan, Maldives, Mauritius, Nigeria,
Panama, St. Kitts and Nevis, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Tunisia
and Ukraine.

Management / Qualified Individual Course
Maritime Academy


Command System Course, Massachusetts Maritime Academy
Everett Facility, Massachusetts

On-Scene Commander Course
Coast Guard College, Sydney, Nova Scotia (web link:

9 February
2002 - USCG International Maritime Officers Course (IMOC) at MMA.
Countries Represented:
Benin, Bangladesh,
Bulgaria, Cape Verde, Croatia, Dominican Republic, Eritrea, Georgia,
Guinea, Lebanon, Latvia, Lithuania, Madagascar, Pakistan, Panama,
Portugal, Sao Tome and Principe, Tanzania, Trinidad and Tobago,
and Yemen.
Qualified Individual / Spill Response Management at MMA.
GIS / Environmental Sensitivity Mapping applied to Nigeria at
Harvard University with site visit to MMA. |

USCG International Maritime Officers Course (IMOC) at MMA. |
Countries Represented:
Algeria, Chile, Colombia,
Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Estonia, Georgia, Ghana, Guayana,
Jordan, Maldives, Mauritius, Mozambique, Surinam, Thailand
Individual / Spill Response Management at MMA.
Individual / Spill Response Management at MMA.
Individual / Spill Response Management at MMA.
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