Most projects had field work involved except where noted. The categories of work completed in the region include the following:
Contingency Plan (CP)
Environmental Auditing (EA)
Environmental Evaluation (EV)
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Environmental Monitoring (EM)
Risk Analysis (RA)
Spill Response / Emergency Response Planning (SR/ER)
Training (T)
Technical Study (TS)
ALASKA PROJECTS (See Project Experience for Details)
- Environmental sensitivity and risk of non-crude vessel (barge) spills, for all navigable waters of Alaska, with recommendations for response base locations and equipment. Technical study with no field work. Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Juneau. (EV, TS, RA)
- Shoreline sensitivity and physical characteristics GIS database for use in COZOIL oil spill model. Technical study with no field work. Minerals Management Service, Anchorage. (TS, ESI, EV).
- Environmental Sensitivity mapping, Prince William Sound, NOAA, Seattle. (ESI)
- Evaluation of vessel response plans for PWS shippers, Prince William Sound Regional Citizens' Advisory Council (PWS RCAC). (ER)
- Evaluation of ability to bring equipment from out of the region to respond to a spill in Prince William Sound. PWS RCAC (TS, ER)
- Review of PWS RCAC as a model for harbor safety committees. U.S. Coast Guard. (TS)
- Spill response training. Alyeska Terminal. (T)
- Spill response, shoreline impact assessment, Exxon Valdez oil spill. Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Juneau. (SR, EV)
- Evaluation of lingering oil from Exxon Valdez and effects on shoreline biota. ExxonMobil (EV, TS)
- Environmental sensitivity mapping of the Shelikof Strait. NOAA, Seattle. (ESI)
- Field measurement for application into shoreline oil spill model (COZOIL). Minerals Management Service, Anchorage (TS)
- Environmental sensitivity mapping (in Russian, Japanese, and English) of the Pribilof Islands. NOAA and U.S. Coast Guard, Anchorage. (ESI)
- Environmental sensitivity mapping of Norton Sound. NOAA, Seattle. (ESI)
- Evaluation of impacts by TransAlaska Pipeline spill at Atigan Pass. Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Juneau. (EV)
- Review of Alaska Division of Forestry Incident Command System for application to oil spill response. Technical study with site visits. Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Juneau.
